Friday, June 17, 2011

Custer State Park

We spent June 17th driving the loops of Custer State Park. Needless to say George Armstrong Custer spent some time in this area before the Little Big Horn. There is the city of Custer and the state park. We entered the park on State Highway 87 and came through the Needles area which contained tunnel 4 - 10'7" tall and 10'6" wide. Not too bad except I was driving and wondered if I were going to scrape the mirrors on the truck. We came by Sylvan Lake Lodge and lake and headed for the Wildlife Loop but first had to go through the Spires area but another tunnel. This tunnel is #5 and the narrowest of the seven tunnels we drive through at  12'0" tall and 8'4" wide. Chauncey watched on his side giving me instruction and I drove very slow and managed to escape scrapping the mirrors. The rest of the tunnels were a breeze and I did not worry too much. This stretch of road is called the Needles Highway Scenic Drive. Don't be mislead by the name highway. We continued on until we came to Wildlife Loop Road. The road descends into a valley that stretches for miles. First we passed Prairie Dog Town with lots of prairie dogs playing on top of their burrows, next we went through buffalo pens (no buffalo), past the Wildlife State Visitors Center and next had to stop to see the burros. All a long we see Pronghorns and are taking pictures. Deer were in the tree line. We had to drive several miles before we came upon a heard of buffalo and sat still for maybe 15 minutes as they crossed the road and disappeared from over the hill.  We came to Iron Mountain Road and only three more tunnels to go through and several Pigtail Bridges. We turn onto 244 and come by Mt Rushmore and snap a picture through the windshield.We have been driving more then four hours and haven't gone 50 miles. The mph in the park is 35 but no one could drive that fast because of the turns and ups and downs and blind curves and tunnels and Pigtail bridges. Enjoy the pictures.

Gentle Stream

Not all buffalo are perfect

Part of the resident burro herd

Mule deer

Dude ranch

Mount Rushmore

Prairie Dog


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